Helping couples across the North West resolve conflict around children and financial disputes themselves without the need of courts or solicitors…

Lakes Mediation Newcastle-upon-Tyne

There will always be disputes between families but choosing mediation is a better solution for dispute resolution – avoid court contact us today!

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Lakes Mediation Newcastle-upon-Tyne


When it comes to family disputes, money is often at the forefront of people's minds. Financial mediation is a process that helps family members resolve financial matters such as property issues, child support, maintenance and other matters. It can be particularly beneficial for family members who want to avoid costly and time-consuming court proceedings and want to resolve their financial issues in a non-confrontational setting.

One of the key advantages of financial mediation is that it is confidential. This means that all parties involved in the process have the freedom to speak openly and honestly, without their statements being used in a court of law. Additionally, mediation can provide a more child-focused approach to resolving disputes, which can be important in cases where children are involved.


When it comes to family disputes, it's often the children who are caught in the middle.

Children mediation can help parents or guardians work out a parenting plan that prioritizes the well-being of the children.

Mediators can help families come to agreements on issues such as custody arrangements, visitation schedules, and co-parenting arrangements.


Grandparents play an important role in the lives of their grandchildren. As a result, conflicts that arise between grandparents and their adult children are typically devastating.

Grandparent mediation helps the family members in creating a mutual agreement about how often grandparents will see and communicate with their grandchildren after parental disagreements or divorce.

Lakes Mediation can facilitate dialogue between grandparents or family members to ensure a resolution that is satisfactory for everyone involved.


Mediation can help resolve disputes regarding pensions, including how they will be split between parties.
The mediator will work with each party to determine their interests and needs and help them come to an agreement. This can keep legal costs involved in settling disagreement over a pension from spiraling.


In most cases, the family home is the most significant asset, and the distribution of the property can be complex.
Mediation can offer several solutions, such as one party buying the other out, selling the home and dividing the proceeds, or co-owning the property and continuing to live in it.

Child Arrangements Order Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Arrangements for School Holidays

When parents have different work schedules or live far apart, agreeing on arrangements for school holidays can be complex.

A Child Arrangements Order can be tailored to specific needs, ensuring that the child’s care and educational needs are taken care of realistically.

The court will consider factors such as the distance between the parents’ homes, the child’s age, and any previous agreements or orders between the parents.

The order can also include any necessary provisions, such as the exchange of documents, pick-up locations, and transportation arrangements for the child.

Arrangements for Christmas

Christmas is a magical time of the year, and it’s crucial to make arrangements to ensure that both parents can spend time with their children.

The CAO agreement should consider the holidays and time that each parent will spend with their children.

For instance, one parent could have the child from Christmas Eve to noon on Dec 25th, and the other parent could have the child from noon on Dec 25th to Boxing Day. It’s essential to establish a routine that works for both parents and is also in the child’s best interest.

Arrangements for Birthdays

Birthdays are significant milestones in a child’s life, and both parents should have the opportunity to be a part of them.

When creating a Child Arrangements Order, it’s essential to decide how the child’s birthday will be celebrated.

You could either have a specific arrangement for the birthday or allocate specific times on the day for each parent.

Spousal Maintenance Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Often, when a couple breaks up it becomes necessary to discuss spousal maintenance or alimony. The process is often emotionally charged, but mediation provides a sense of collaboration and understanding. The following are the benefits of spousal maintenance:

  1. Flexibility: Mediation is not a one-size-fits-all solution, so it allows for more flexibility in creating unique solutions to the issue.
  2. Neutral mediator: The mediator is a neutral third-party to facilitate discussion and assist the couple in reaching a solution that is satisfactory to both parties.
  3. Saves time: With mediation, the process can be handled in a few sessions, sometimes even in one session. It takes much longer to resolve matters in court.
  4. Confidentiality: In divorce cases, financial and emotional information can be particularly sensitive. Mediation ensures that matters are kept private and confidential.

Why Choose lakes Mediation Newcastle-upon-Tyne Over Court?


Why Mediation Is Needed

Mediation is needed when two or more parties cannot resolve the issues between them. In family disputes, those involved may not be able to communicate clearly or may feel undervalued and disrespected.

As a result, differences can quickly escalate and lead to further conflict.

In such situations, enlisting the help of a mediator can facilitate a respectful dialogue between parties, opening channels of communication, and, ultimately, leading to a peaceful resolution.

Is It Legally Binding?

One common question about family mediation is whether the agreement that is reached is legally binding.

In most cases, the answer is yes. Once an agreement has been reached, it can be made into a legally binding agreement by having it approved by a court.

This will make the agreement enforceable, which means that if one party does not follow through on their side of the agreement, legal action can be taken.


What Is

Lakes Mediation is a reputable and efficient mediation service provider. Our mediator, Rachel Lake, is a trained and experienced mediator with a background in law.

Rachel understands the importance of the family dynamics and strives to resolve issues in a timely and appropriate manner. We offer customized and confidential mediation sessions, tailored to meet the specific needs of each party.

Additionally, Lakes Mediation offers a cost-effective alternative to court litigation, and we aim to achieve excellent results for all involved parties.

Benefits of Lakes Mediation Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Family disputes can be overwhelming, emotionally draining and costly if not handled well. It’s essential to find a peaceful and satisfactory solution for everyone involved to move forward, and that’s where family mediation comes to play. At Lakes Mediation, we understand family conflicts can arise for various reasons, such as divorce, separation, or inheritance issues. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of family mediation and how it can help resolve disputes in a collaborative and respectful way.

Mediating can help in  several ways, including:

MIAMS Session

To what end does a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) serve?

The initial consultation with a trained family mediator to discuss whether or not mediation could help you resolve your dispute outside of court is called a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM).

Mediators Role

The mediator’s job is to help you and the other parent talk through your problems, consider possible solutions, evaluate how well they would work inpractise, and ultimately agree on the best course of action.

In shuttle mediation, the disputing parties are separated into separate rooms, and the mediator “shuttles” between them until they strike a compromise.


The mediator is obligated to retain in strictest confidence any information shared with them during the mediation process.
Since is it can be or at any if it becomes that one or both aren’t a through it.

It is the mediator’s responsibility to ensure that the interests and perspectives of the children involved are taken into account.


Before embarking on family mediation, it’s essential to understand the process and what it entails. One of the first steps is attending a MIAM. MIAM stands for Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting, which is an initial consultation with a mediator. The purpose of the MIAM is to provide a comprehensive overview of the mediation process, assess the suitability of the case, and determine whether the parties are willing to mediate.

From Lakes Mediation Newcastle-upon-Tyne Clients

child access mediation
After our divorce I was seeing less and less of the children. Things were becoming strained and as I work shifts it was stressful. With Lakes help we sorted out an access plan within 2 short sessions thank you!
J. Evans
FPDS trusted
The option of shuttle and online mediation made things possible for us. After years of arguments I was amazed that we reached a financial decision within a 4 sessions. We are now both able to move forward.
B. Smith
parental plan1
When our relationship ended we were unable to come to an agreement on our business we built together. Lakes mediation held a safe and confidential space for us to come to a mutual agreement and avoid the stress and cost of court. Thank you!
V. Frazier
Handling Household Dispute